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SFPE 5 Under 35 Awardee: Chris Crivello!

When asked what drew him to the field of fire protection engineering Chris will respond, “Because I know every day that my work will save people’s lives”. It’s not often that you meet someone who has seen the lasting results of their life-long work. Chris is one of those exceptions…

In 2017, Chris was promoted to Partner and Principal at 28 years old. Since then, he has worked to more than double the size of the company by growing from within. He is dedicated and holds himself to an extraordinary standard, expecting the same dedication from others within the company. Chris ensures he is always available for the other engineers, providing guidance and support while still requiring them to find their own answer to enhance the learning experience. He has created a reputation for himself within the industry because of his leadership, passion, and dedication to delivering high quality results.

As president of the SFPE New York Empire Chapter, he is dedicated to the field of fire protection engineering as much as he is dedicated to RAN. His participation and leadership in this organization helps fire protection engineers throughout the state, and beyond, grow.

Congratulations, Chris, on this award and all your success!

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