This is a continuation from our quarterly newsletter, to get our updates, please subscribe to our newsletter by visiting the Contact page on our site.

Quick Facts
How often do you keep up on industrial fires across the US? Do you know how many have occurred since the beginning of the year?
Twenty-five. That’s right, 25 industrial buildings* have gone up in flames in just 10 weeks. With 42 weeks remaining it is imperative that we learn about ways to decrease the chances of another fire. So, what can we do?
Knowing the tools of the fire protection trade are key to dealing with unique challenges, one of the tools is smoke control systems. Here are a few steps RAN takes on projects:
Get the fire protection engineer involved in the design as early as possible. Getting us involved earlier allows us to ensure our design can be completed within the time frame required to ensure the project doesn’t get delayed.
Developing the design fire. We must accurately develop the design fire, this is critical to ensuring the smoke control system is adequately designed.
Developing testing procedures to ensure the smoke control system performs as designed once installed. It is not sufficient to simply set off a smoke bomb within the atrium for testing the smoke control system. The smoke from a smoke bomb does not behave in the same manner as smoke from a fire. Therefore, it is necessary to determine other criteria to measure whether or not the system is functioning as designed.
By testing smoke control early on in a project, fire protection engineers are able to design the best option for the space. This is particularly important for large spaces with atypical chemicals, products, etc. – like an industrial space.
Start the conversation today, and make a difference for tomorrow.
For more information on smoke control systems and other ways to be proactive please reach out to RAN’s marketing team – or
*Data was calculated on March 11, 2019, does not include any fires after this time

Upcoming Presentations with Doug:
ASPE Meeting | Thursday, March 21, 2019
Topic: "Can't We All Get Along? The Viewpoint of Contractors and Engineers" 11:30a Lunch + 12p Presentation
Address: The Italian American Community Center 275 Washington Avenue Extension Albany, NY 12205
23rd Annual Regional Leadership Conference | Thursday, April 4, 2019 10:30a – 11:30a Topic: Hazard Evaluation vs Risk Analysis - A Way of Thinking
Address: Corning Community College 1 Academic Dr. Corning, NY 14830 Registration Info
State College and University Building Association| Wednesday, April 10th 1:00pm
Topic: Hazards Evaluations
Address: East Greenbush Firehouse Rental Hall 68 Phillips Road, Rensselaer, NY 12144

Marketing Corner How often do you go to a job site that is all rainbows and butterflies?
Sometimes there can be discrepancies on a project due to a lack of communication between the engineers and contractors. Communication is key – when everyone on the team is on the same page as far as tasks assigned and expectations, there seems to be a smoother flow through project completion. This will also lower the risk of conflict, increasing costs, and simultaneously keeps the timeline moving in the right direction. A smooth job can also help with marketing just as much as a rough job can hurt. Quality of service is a marketing aspect that can get lost if it is not recognized by all people in the firm, beyond the sales people. What are your steps to keeping the peace with your engineer or contractor?