RAN is celebrating 10 years of service!
Read on to learn about Doug, Chris, and Gillian's takes are on RAN's past, present, and future!

RAN's Past as told by Doug Nadeau
"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed." - Napoleon Hill
An anniversary is an opportunity to look at the past, present, and future. A decade has passed since RAN Fire Protection Engineering, PC opened its doors. In 1998, I originally wrote a business plan for a fire protection engineering company while commuting to and from my office in Boston, but it took 12 years and moving back to NY for the best opportunity to start RAN. The original business plan matured since its inception to revolve around a single theme – opportunity. I wanted to start a company that not only gave opportunities to myself, but to the employees, clients, and public.
RAN and myself have been lucky to have great friends that helped build the business. Many of you know that RAN people are more than just the stereotypical engineers—we have fun and enjoy what we do, which is evident in our interactions with our clients. We offer value first. RAN builds relationships based on quickly earning trust that grows into loyalty and camaraderie.
I am extremely appreciative of everyone that has come along for the ride over the last 10 years. To the people that worked at RAN sharing the laughs along with the stresses, the clients in the beginning that gave us the chance to prove ourselves, many of which are still with us to this day, and the opportunities and adventures we will have with our new clients, I am truly thankful. It is because of these nourished opportunities I was able to find a true business partner in Chris Crivello, who is also willing to make the sacrifices and put the work in to keep pushing the company ahead.
RAN's Present as told by Chris Crivello
RAN Fire Protection has been built on the foundations of loyalty and opportunity. Running a successful business that continues to succeed and grow is about having both loyal clients and loyal employees. It’s hard to believe that ten years have passed since Doug interviewed me as the first new hire at RAN. After some pleasantries typical at the start of any interview, the first question Doug asked me was, “What do you know about fire protection engineering?” My response was, “I know absolutely nothing. I’ve never even heard of it before actually. They don’t teach fire protection at my school, but it sounds cool and I am a fast learner.” That was probably the worst interview tactic of all time, but luckily for me, Doug didn’t have any other options… (Just kidding. I got offered the job because I told the truth, which is a good lesson to learn for any young engineers out there).
Ten years later I have a Master’s degree in fire protection engineering, I am a licensed Professional Engineer, I have become more “cultured” by traveling across the country and the world for both RAN projects and teaching seminars, I am a leader in the NY Empire Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, I have been recognized for my accomplishments by earning some of the highest awards possible from the biggest organizations in our industry, and I have been promoted to be a partner and owner of the start-up company that took a chance on me. I owe all of these accomplishments to one specific moment: having been given an opportunity with no limitations as a 21 year old who knew “absolutely nothing”.
Today, RAN Fire Protection Engineering is still being built on the same foundations that Doug established a decade ago, with the biggest pillars of that foundation being opportunity and loyalty. Having shifted to a leadership role at a young age, it has become my goal to continue to offer that same level of opportunity that RAN afforded me ten years ago. RAN is being built around a nucleus of young, intelligent, and hard working engineers while also being balanced with the right amount of seasoned veterans that will allow us to continue to grow and excel for decades to come. From my experience, success starts with motivation and a strong work ethic, and RAN plans to continue offering opportunity with no limits to anyone who is motivated to learn and willing to put in the effort!
RAN's Future as told by Gillian Nadeau
Although I may be new to RAN Fire Protection Engineering, RAN is not new to me. I am a recent graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the most recent hire to the RAN design team. As a little kid I was fortunate enough to grow up watching my father’s work ethic, from working three jobs at once to starting several of his own businesses. I have seen how hard work is a large determination of success, and strive to mimic the work ethic of my father. From cleaning, to filing/invoicing, and now engineering, RAN has been a part of my life ever since the company started ten years ago.
By now you’ve read about RAN’s past and present, I am tasked with writing about the future. It is well known that RAN is built on providing opportunities for its team members. Even from the start of my employment these opportunities have proven true. RAN has enabled me to continue furthering my education at WPI in the Fire Protection Master’s Program. RAN is a company that recognizes investing in its employees will benefit both the company and the individual. More recently, several members of the team just completed their degrees and engineering exams through RAN!
From historical site visits, to being presented with the opportunity to attend the most recent SFPE convention in Phoenix, RAN continues to help its employees rediscover their passion for fire protection. As a company, we look forward to continue expanding, both with clients and employing bright engineers to join the team. As an employee, I look forward to the multitude of opportunities given to me and the ones that will be coming my way. I am also excited to continue meeting all of RAN’s clients. It is safe to say that working for RAN has already been a lot of fun!
